Author Events

Tues July 16, 6:30 pm StoryTime and Mini-Bioblitz at Richards Memorial Library, Paxton, MA

You might be amazed at the large number of insects, birds, and small mammals that inhabit even a very small plot of land. In this story Gabriel’s dad, a ranger for the local municipal park, is helping with a Biodiversity Day (or Bioblitz), and he invites Gabriel and his cousin Ava to participate. With Gabriel’s expertise in bugs and Ava’s eye for birds, the two cousins are eager to start the hunt in the park. They are placed on different teams, competing to see which group finds the most species of animal life in the time allotted.

“Bioblitz! is a blast! Kids (and adults) will love joining Gabriel, Ava, and their teams on this exciting expedition doing real citizen science. I can't wait to go out and count the critters in my neighborhood!” –Sy Montgomery

“This book will inspire young readers to be detectives as well as scientists! By using their five senses to count species in a Bioblitz, both kids and adults can contribute to local knowledge of the natural world.” –Meg Lowman